Scripting and Tools

Useful scripts and tools for Unity 3d

Scripting and Tools

Ranged Weapon in 3D Game kit

This is a tutorial how you can implement a ranged weapon (pistol) functionality in the 3D Game Kit, that is released by the Unity Technology in April for free.

Scripting and Tools

Chomper Retargeting in 3D Game kit

This is a tutorial how you can retarget the chomper enemy and use your own character in the 3D Game Kit, that is released by the Unity Technology in April for free.

Scripting and Tools

Character Retargeting in 3D Game kit

This is a tutorial how you can retarget your character in the 3D Game Kit, that is released by the Unity Technology in April for free.

Scripting and Tools

Animator Parameter Name Field

Sometimes we want to refer to an Animator Parameter from the inspector by name. In this case, there is a chance we don’t remember the names of the animator parameters.